Chemistry of all types of Talc is as follows:

Chemistry:          (1)          (2)          (3)

SiO2                       60.06     62.16     63.37

Al2O3                    1.60        0.88

FeO                        1.74        1.41

MgO                      30.83     30.86     31.88

CaO                        0.40

H2O                       5.02        4.92        4.75

Total                      99.65   100.23     100.00

--Talc, when pure, has a composition of 31.88% of MgO, 63.37% of SiO2 and 4.75% of Water.




Hegman Grind*:              3- 6

Density (g/cm3):              2.7- 2.85

Specific Gravity:               2.6- 2.85

Oil Absorption:                 30-55

Solubility in H2O:            Insoluble

Appearance:                      White Powder, Grey, Green etc

Odor:                                    None

Mohs Hardness @20°C**:1.0- 1.5

pH***:                                 8.4-9.4

Crystallography:               Lamellar

G.E. Brightness:                                85- 97

Refractive Index:             1.59- 1.60

* Hegman Fineness of Grind: Device that measures the fineness of dispersion of a pigment. A Hegman gauge is a device used

to determine how finely ground are the particles of pigment (or other solid) dispersed in a sample of paint (or other liquid).

** The Mohs scale of mineral hardness characterizes the scratch resistance of various minerals through the ability of a harder

material to scratch a softer material. It was created in 1812 by the German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs. The hardest known

naturally occurring substance when the scale was designed, diamonds are at the top of the scale.

***pH is a measure of the acidity or Basicity of a solution. Pure water is said to be neutral, with a pH close to 7.0 at 25 C (77 F).

Solutions with a pH less than 7 are said to be Acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are said to be Basic or Alkaline.


Talc is also name as Soapstone, French Chalk and Steatite.

-          -  Soapstone refers to all massive gray to bluish or greenish Talcose rocks which generally have a slippery feeling and can be carved by hand.

-          - French Chalk is a soft variety of Talc used for making cloth.

-          -  Steatite is a grade of Talc suitable for making electronic tube insulators.


Talc Major Colors are: White, Grey, Green, Blue, Pink, Violet, Silver.  It all depends upon the Talc's chemical composition, and what proportions of such elements as Aluminum, Iron, Manganese and Titanium may also be present.